Memorial Names Fourth Quarter 2011 STAR Recipients
For Immediate Release January 31, 2012
Memorial has named the recipients of the Fourth Quarter 2011 Star awards—Memorial’s highest honor. STAR, Service, Teamwork, Attitude and Respect, recognizes outstanding customer service. STAR recipients attended a special award ceremony where they received gift certificates donated by the Memorial Auxiliary and gold pins to wear on their employee badges. The recipients are as follows: (front row L-R): Dr. Carl Moran, Emergency Services; Michael Hall, Behavioral Health, Outreach; Rick Kirk, Security; (middle row) Ann Spearman, Environmental Services, Housekeeping; Tia Hall, Neurosciences/Rehabilitation Services, Acute Rehabilitation; Dr. David LaRosa, Physician Clinics, Internal Medicine; Debbie Brondum, Neurosciences/Rehabilitation Services, 4 D; (back row) Miguel Martin, Emergency Services, Minor Care; Sheila Blanchard, Medical Telemetry, 4 A/B; and Herbie Mardis, Clinical Support Services, Respiratory Therapy.