Memorial Hospital Gulfport Receives Gold Certification from Mississippi Cancer Registry
For Immediate Release November 2, 2011
The Mississippi Cancer Registry has awarded Memorial Hospital Gulfport a Gold Certification, which is their highest recognition, for the submission of timely, complete and high quality 2009 data to the Mississippi Cancer Registry.
To receive Gold Certification, facilities must have submitted at least 95% of expected volume of cancer cases diagnosed and/or receiving a first course of treatment at the facility. At least 95% of cases must have been submitted within eight months of the patient’s first date of contact with the facility for diagnosis and/or treatment of the reportable condition.
The Mississippi Cancer Registry began a certification process in 2008 for hospitals. The program was modeled after the central cancer registry certification conducted by the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR). According to the MCR, the purpose of the certification process is to recognize those hospitals who have submitted timely, complete and high quality data.
Certificates were presented to the high-ranking facilities at a Mississippi Cancer Registry workshop on October 6, 2011.