Memorial Robotic Surgery Team achieves 5,000 cases

Memorial’s Robotic Surgery team is a well-oiled machine. This team recently achieved an extraordinary milestone – more than 5,000 robotic surgery cases performed, accomplishing more than any other hospital in the region. Memorial has been performing robotic surgeries using Da Vinci surgical systems since 2010.
The procedures performed with Da Vinci include:
- Gallbladder, spleen removal
- Uterus, ovary, ovarian cyst removal,
- Prostate, bladder, kidney (total and partial) removal
- Kidney and pelvic floor reconstruction
- Colon resection and hernia repair
- Gastric sleeve
Robotic and Bariatric Surgery Coordinator Cindy Powell shares, “The robot program started in April 2010, when Dr. Champ Weeks (urologist) came on board at Memorial. Dr. Weeks is the person who created the credentialing requirements that keep us safe today, and he’s performed almost 1,000 cases at Memorial.”
Memorial currently has three robots – 2 Xi systems in the main operating room and one X system in our outpatient surgery center. These are fourth and fifth generation Da Vinci robots, allowing us to perform more advanced cases and better assist our community.
Trained for success
Specialized training is critical for success. The robot is a sophisticated piece of equipment that requires advanced training. Each Memorial robot team member is equipped with the advanced knowledge and skills to perform the procedures. Cindy describes, “Our main priority is patient safety and patient care, which is why we require every robot team member to be specially trained on the robot.”
She continues, “The physicians are required to do a certain number of cases per year. If this number is not met, then some additional training is required to keep their credentialing. We also receive extra training for new features Intuitive Surgical comes out with. One of the nice things about having an actual robot team is that the physicians have the same nurses and techs, so they work with the same group of people case after case and can anticipate each other’s needs and techniques.”
The Memorial Difference
When asked about why someone should choose robotic surgery at Memorial, Cindy shares, “With our specialized robotic team, other hospitals and health systems come and observe our exceptionally and well-organized trained staff. I take a lot of pride in the fact that our robot vendor, Intuitive Surgical, knows how well trained our team is, bringing other health care providers and team members to Memorial to learn.”
Congratulations to this hard-working and dedicated team, and thank you for all that you do for our community!