Celebrating Black History Month – Dr. Kerry Scott

Dr. Kerry Scott is a Doctor of Osteopathy specializing in Family Medicine at Memorial. He is originally from Meridian, Mississippi.
“My background played a major role in my desire to become a doctor. I was always advised as a youth to be of service to my community. There were not many African American doctors in my community at that time, but several of the ones available made a major impact by becoming a part of the community and serving as a mentor to many of us who aspired to become doctors. I feel I have a duty of returning the favor by helping to inspire other minority youth to stay focused, study hard, and aim to become a doctor to help improve the quality of life for people in their community.”
He describes a typical day in his practice as “busy, rewarding and dynamic”. One of the experiences that stands out most from his career took place during his medical training. “I was on my OB/Gynecology rotation in my hometown, and I ended up delivering my high school classmate’s first child! It was so exciting because the last time I had seen the couple, my date and I were on a double date with them for our senior year prom!”
Dr. Scott is aware of significant health care disparities for African American men and women. One area that shows significant health care disparity is that of men’s health as it related to African American men. “As an African American male, we have not been provided with adequate education and encouragement on the importance of having annual wellness exams, prostate and colon cancer screenings. There is significant mistrust and discomfort with the health care system that many African American men opt not to seek health care until their situation has reached critical or emergent levels. Throughout my career, I have always promoted wellness to my patients, especially my African American and minority men. It is important that they maintain good health so that they can be strong leaders for their families and communities.”
Thank you for sharing your story during Black History Month, Dr. Scott! Our community appreciates your expertise and compassion.