Exceptional Care That Transforms.

Memorial Names First Quarter 2016 STAR Recipients

GULFPORT, Miss. —Memorial Hospital Gulfport has named the recipients of the First Quarter 2016 Star awards—Memorial’s highest honor. STAR (Service, Teamwork, Attitude and Respect) recognizes outstanding customer service. STAR recipients attended a special award ceremony where they received gift certificates donated by the Memorial Auxiliary and gold pins to wear on their employee badges. The recipients are as follows: L-R (front row): Dr. Christie Devlin-Schroll, Pediatric Physicians; Eric Buckley, Emergency Department; and Sherry Hard, Anesthesia (middle row) Geraldine Farria, Medical/Telemetry; Wayne Laubmeier, NICU/Peds; and Quin Barnes, Medical Oncology; (back row) Nicole Irias, MRI; Lesia Gordon, MBH Acute Adolescents; and Sherry Brown, Health Information Management.

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