Memorial Names Second Quarter 2010 STAR Recipients
For Immediate Release July 27, 2010
Memorial has named the recipients of the Second Quarter 2010 Star awards—Memorial’s highest honor. STAR, Service, Teamwork, Attitude and Respect, was developed to recognize outstanding customer service. STAR recipients are, (back row L-R) James Walmsley, Biomed; Wayne Laubmeier, NICU; Katherine Dumal, 5 A/B Medical/Surgical; (middle row L-R) Donna Whitfield, Behavioral Health; Shonda Woods, 3B Oncology; Elizabeth Davis, Case Management; (seated L-R) Samantha Martin, 2 A/B Women & Children Services; Lonnie Turner, 4C/5C Medical/Surgical; and Dr. Nathan Boles, Hospitalist.