Memorial Names First Quarter 2012 STAR Recipients
For Immediate Release May 1, 2012
Memorial has named the recipients of the First Quarter 2012 Star awards—Memorial’s highest honor. STAR, Service, Teamwork, Attitude and Respect, recognizes outstanding customer service. STAR recipients attended a special award ceremony where they received gift certificates donated by the Memorial Auxiliary and gold pins to wear on their employee badges. The recipients are as follows: (front row L-R): Peggy Chandler, Quality Measure Project Coordinator, Quality Management; Dean Pearson, Manager, Performance Improvement, Quality Management; Ashlee Ladner, Pharmacist, Employee Pharmacy; (middle row) Carmen Jacobs, RN, MBH Acute Adult; Marsha Feeney, RN, Emergency Services Minor Care; Lucy Gentry, Hematology Supervisor, Laboratory; (back row) Kristin Lopez, Therapeutic Recreational Therapist, MBH Activity Therapy; Adrian McLemore, RN, 4 A/B Medical/Telemetry; Nancy Combs, LPN, MBH Acute Adult; and (not pictured) Dr. Kathy Keimig, Physician, Emergency Department.