Expo Review Expo Review Organization name:What went well?What could be done better?Event set up and displays Satisfied Needs Improvement Please explain the reason for your selectionCommunication prior to the event Satisfied Needs Improvement Please explain the reason for your selectionCommunication during the event Satisfied Needs Improvement Please explain the reason for your selectionWorkshop topics Satisfied Needs Improvement Please explain the reason for your selectionLocation Satisfied Needs Improvement Please explain the reason for your selectionLunch for community partners Satisfied Needs Improvement Please explain the reason for your selectionWas the audience your target audience? Yes No Please explain the reason for your selectionApproximately how many leads/contacts did you generate from being present at the expo?Are there any success stories you want to share with the organizers?What services/community partners were we missing that need to be present next time?If we have mini-expo in 2023 as a follow-up to this event, do you want to participate? Yes No Please explain the reason for your selection Δ Contact Info (228) 867-4000 In This Section: Expo Review