Exceptional Care That Transforms.

How Memorial Health System Saved My Life

At Memorial, we are committed to providing exceptional care for our patients. One of our patients, Jerry W. Gammons, recently shared his powerful story of how our dedicated team of physicians helped him overcome a health challenge that upended his quality of life.

Jerry, a 69-year-old man in otherwise good health, began experiencing severe breathing difficulties that made it nearly impossible for him to catch his breath or lie down comfortably. Despite numerous tests and doctor visits, his condition continued to decline. “I was struggling to catch my breath and couldn’t lay down without struggling to breathe,” Jerry said. His respiration had dropped to less than 40%, and the situation was becoming dire. After seeking medical guidance out of state and being told nothing was wrong, he decided to get a second opinion.

Fortunately, Jerry found Dr. Summer Allen, who was determined to uncover the root of his breathing issues. After thorough evaluation, she discovered that his diaphragm muscles were not functioning properly, and this was the cause of his respiratory distress. Dr. Allen’s diligence led her to investigate further. “She discovered my diaphragms were not in the correct position in my chest cavity,” Jerry explained.

To address this complex issue, Dr. Allen referred Jerry to Dr. Miguel Melgar, a renowned neurological surgeon at Memorial Health System, for evaluation. After conducting several tests, Dr. Melgar identified a rare and critical condition — two collapsed discs and bony spurs in Jerry’s high cervical spine that were pinching the nerves that come from the spinal cord and bundle together downstream to become the phrenic nerves. This nerve controls the diaphragm, and the compression of the nerve roots in the neck was causing Jerry’s ability to breathe to rapidly deteriorate. To have both diaphragms affected is very rare worldwide. “Dr. Melgar explained the complexity of the surgeries and the risks involved, but he felt confident he could correct my situation,” Jerry recalled.

In April 2024, Dr. Melgar performed a two-part surgery to correct the collapsed disc and relieve pressure on Jerry’s nerves. Just days after the operation, Jerry experienced an immediate improvement. “When I woke up from surgery, I was able to take a deep breath for the first time in months. I am happy to say that my breathing has improved already over 58% according to Dr. Allen, and I do not struggle to breathe or lose my breath when I lay down to sleep,” he said.

Reflecting on his experience, Jerry expressed his gratitude to the entire team at Memorial. “Between Dr. Allen’s intense dedication to find my problem, and Dr. Melgar’s exceptional skills, and his willingness to correct my situation, I feel these fine doctors literally saved my life and gave me a quality of life once again.” He also praised the nurses and support staff for their exceptional care, adding, “I would highly recommend Memorial to anyone.”

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